
by OrangeTee & Tie Pte Ltd.

Ang Mo Kio, Tampines BTO projects most popular in August launch; demand for PLH flats dampens

BTO Launches

Singapore, 05 Sep 2022

Larger flats in the mature estates of Ang Mo Kio and Tampines were the most popular in the August Build-to-Order (BTO) sales exercise. 

As at 5pm on Monday, close to eight first-time applicants were vying for each of the 398 four-room flats and 372 five-room and three-generation flats at the Central Weave @ AMK project.

OrangeTee & Tie senior vice-president of research and analytics Christine Sun noted that demand is stronger in the Ang Mo Kio and Tampines projects, compared with Bukit Merah. 

"Perhaps some buyers were deterred by the more stringent selling criteria and longer MOP of the PLH model flats," she said. 

"Moreover, some projects in mature estates could be sold faster in the resale market since they would be completed at about the same time as the PLH model flats but have a shorter MOP." 

Ms Sun added that five-room flats were popular among buyers in this BTO launch as there were fewer such flats released in mature estates in recent launches.

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